
Welcome to a
walkthrough of playing Lost Admiral Returns! The first
step for new players is to create an alias
officer in the game. This namesake will be used
to track your performance in various battles, and to
record all your awards. From here you can also
access various extra aspects of LAR such as
updating the game over the
Internet, discuss the game in the online forums,
or view and post online high
You will earn patches for each
classic map you fight on, each campaign you try out, and
each category of random map you play
on. You can improve your patches by
playing against tougher AI levels, or
other challenges.

You will be
assigned a rank
based on how many different maps you have conquered,
along with other awards based on how well and
persistently you have played.
There are nine classic maps,
and an infinite variety of randomly generated maps that
are grouped into 8 classes of
random maps for tracking purposes.