for a new
Carrier Game?
Try Lost Admiral
Carriers are the eyes and ears of a navy fleet in Lost Admiral Returns. Carriers are the only ship in LAR that can see out beyond their own hex when moving across the oceans. Therefore they are best used to find enemy ships before actually engaging in combat with those ships. Seeing the enemy ships several hexes away from your current position gives the player time to plan out how to best attack and destroy those enemy ships. Or to avoid contact with the enemy fleet when badly outnumbered.
Out think and out maneuver your enemy
like you would in a chess
game! Try Lost Admiral Returns today and
master the carrier game fleet maneuvers that always
arise at the start of large battles.
all times, carriers reveal the
presence of all enemy surface ships near their own
location. In combat, carrier planes do lots
of damage to ships attacking the carrier, and
help nearby friendly ships
by adding to the damage they normally do.
Japanese and US Carriers were central to World War II
navy fleets. You can create your own customized fleets
in LAR, follow your own
philosophy on what makes the most balanced,
deadly fleet to defeat the enemy with.
Special Flagships in LAR:
As your navy rank goes up in Lost Admiral Returns, you
will earn access to new and better Flagships. A
flagship is usually a beefed up version of an aircraft
carrier, though you can sometimes choose a battleship
hull instead. Your US Navy Rank in LAR governs what
kind of flagship you can choose, and what customized
modules you can add to it.
Special abilities include
moving faster, repairing ships, being better at helping
other ships with air support, taking more damage before
sinking, and many other abilities.
Try LAR now and
get into the aircraft carrier action!
