
Lost Admiral Returns
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Fogstone Games Presents...


All versions of Lost Admiral Returns include:
Unlimited playing time,
Tracking of battles played, Internet high scores,
Endless random maps, Integrated internet updater,
Customizable interfaces, Samplers of add-ons, and more.
Choose from LAR Deluxe to get all parts of the game.
Or LAR Basic to decline having flagships or
the many special missions. Missions include
the likes of "Bismarck Hunts",
"Fishing Rights",
"Death by Duel", and

Purchase Lost Admiral Returns Deluxe for
(downloaded version)
ALL Flagship Abilities
ALL Special Missions
FULL "Save the Admiral" Campaign
Purchase Lost Admiral Returns Deluxe on CD
for $36.95:
(CD mailed to you)
ALL Flagship Abilities
ALL Special Missions
FULL "Save the Admiral" Campaign
You can also purchase the following BASIC versions
of LAR, and upgrade to the Deluxe version later:
Purchase Lost Admiral Returns BASIC for
(downloaded version)
Flagships unavailable (except in limited random
Special Missions turned off
"Save the Admiral" Campaign turned off
Purchase Upgrade from BASIC to DELUXE Lost
Admiral Returns for
$13.25: (extra
$3.25 covers additional processing fees and
overhead... save $3.25 by buying DELUXE
(must already own Basic version)
ADDS all Flagship Abilities
ADDS all Special Missions
ADDS full "Save the Admiral" Campaign
Purchase Lost Admiral Returns BASIC on CD
for $26.95:
(CD mailed to you)
Flagships unavailable (except in limited random
Special Missions turned off
"Save the Admiral" Campaign turned off
Prices Includes the full stand alone game and all
significant updates to LAR for one full year. Read our "Reasons to Buy" page for more information about the benefits of
purchasing Lost Admiral Returns, and the differences between the
30-day trial versions and the full DELUXE or BASIC versions. |
regular purchases are
securely entered and processed through SWREG.
Demo CD purchase is processed by 2CheckOut.com
Your purchased copy
of Lost Admiral Returns includes all
significant updates of
LAR for free for a full year, and includes Permanently activated samples
from any expansion packs for LAR.
Hear about LAR
Updates, and get them automatically over the
Internet via the LAR Updater program. Never miss a newly released feature!
If you have not already downloaded the Lost Admiral Returns
30-day trial version, click here!
If you experience problems with using the order links, please click here to contact us!
To contact Fogstone Games or Thurston Searfoss:
Fogstone Games
355 Libby Road
Pownal, Maine 04069
Phone/Fax 207-688-4677

© 2002-2004 Fogstone Games. All
rights reserved. Click here for Terms and
Lost Admiral, Conquered
Kingdoms, Grandest Fleet, and Fogstone are trademarks of Fogstone Games.