TUTORIAL 2: Advanced Fleet Manuvers
The latest information on Lost Admiral Returns can be found at the official website at www.lostadmiralreturns.com. As in CHESS, Lost Admiral Returns abstracts the ships you use in combat somewhat from real life. Their abilities and specializations have been blurred and then sharpened into certain roles that each ship has in LAR. These abstract roles such as ship killers like Battleships and Submarines play, Scouting, raiding, and sub hunting that Destroyers and PT boats play, etc all help create the fine tuned game play balance in Lost Admiral Returns. All ships in LAR have a role to play, and none are left as useless in the backwaters of the harbors... The second tutorial covers advanced maneuvers in Lost Admiral Returns such as scouting for enemy forces, using Aircraft Carriers to boost your firepower, repairs, and stealthy submarine manuevers. Run the tutorial to walk through these aspects of the LAR game. You can also use the Help and Advice Screens built into every menu in the game to learn more about various parts of the game. Specific lessons in Tutorial 2 are:1) Scouting with Carriers for enemy surface ships by moving Carriers first in your fleet. Carriers reveal all enemy surface ships within two hexes, and can be moved towards suspected enemy locations to find them while you still have time and room to conduct counter maneuvers. 2) Carriers can not spot nearby submerged Submarines. Instead, use "sub hunters" such as Destroyers, PT Boats, and Cruisers. Sub hunting ships will reveal the presence of any enemy submerged Submarine in each hex they enter. The sub hunter must stop in the hex of any submarines it finds, and will fight them in the following combat phase. 3) Stacking limits in LAR are enforced at the end of each movement phase. You can unlimited ships in friendly city harbors as long as you have a Transport type of ship there. Normal open ocean hexes are limited to 2 ships. River and River Mouth hexes are limited to 1 unit per hex at the end of the movement phase. 4) LAR will warn you if you try to end your movement phase with ships "over stacked" in a hex. You can either move some ships out of the hex in question, or allow the bottom ships in the hex to be destroyed to make room for the rest of the ships. 5) LAR will also help you know when you have moved all of your ships for this turn. During your movement phase, you will be prompted to move each of your ships one after another. You can also manually select what ship you want to move next by right clicking on it. For each ship you will want to eventually indicate you are done with it for this turn. You can use up all of the ships movement points, anchor the ship, or use the "Stop" button on the ship to indicate that you are done with the ship for this turn even though the ship is still able to move. Once all ships have been visited, and "used" in one of these ways to indicate you are done with the ship, LAR will detect that you could safely end the movement phase now, and will start to blink the "Fin" button at the bottom of the screen. Simply click on the "Fin" button to finish your movement phase. If per chance you click on the "Fin" button without "using" all your ships, LAR will warn you that you are about to exit without moving all you ships, and ask if you want to proceed anyway.
Earn Victory Points to win the battle:Each city you can claim for your side by using a Transport type of ship will earn you the city's Victory Points at the end of each turn. Regardless of how your warships are faring on the battlefield, what counts in the end is the Victory Points you earn from your cities during the game. Some battles will require you to simply earn more total Victory Points by the end of the battle than your opponent to win. Other battles will give you a better starting position than the enemy, and therefore you will be expected to earn significantly MORE Victory Points than the enemy to win. I.E. Your starting position might be good enough that you must earn 30% more Victory Points than your opponent just to "break even" and barely win the battle. If you earn 25% more VPs than the enemy, you will LOSE the battle (by an adjusted 5% percent, so to speak).
Flow of turns in LAR:In LAR, battles are fought between the Red Player and Yellow Player for a specific number of turns. Your goal is to earn enough Victory Points to defeat your opponent by the end of the battle. This goal is listed as a percent of your opponent's VP Total that you must make. I.E. score VPs of your own equal to 130% of your opponents to win on a map and start setup that favors you. You will have only a certain number of turns to achieve this score ratio (or better) in. Each game will have a setup stage, and then turns broken down into phases as follows:
Play Tutorial #3, and #4 to learn more!The other tutorials will teach you all about the intricacies of movement, combat, ship building during the battle, and selecting your units at the start of a battle.
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