Your goal for Save the
Admiral campaigns should always be to help and improve
the Admiral as quickly as possible. The
better you do this, the better your Admiral Rating will
be, and the higher your effective specific Region
Scores will be.
The quicker you sway the
states, the better. And therefore the fewer
special state battles you need to fight, the better.
So ideally you try to capture states that start with a
low initial resistance by swaying states next to them,
eventually reducing the low resistance state to zero.
This will let you sway two or more states with the
results of one single special state battle...
Winning states offering
bounties is the quickest way to do this, since
all adjacent states will be reduced by two in
resistance. AND even stubborn, "swayed against"
states will be swayed in one single battle if they were
offering a bounty at the time you fight for them.
Another way to quickly reduce the resistance
of many states is by winning an
"Influence" reward. This Influence will
immediately (once only) reduce the resistance of all
states in the current Region who are next to a state
that is already swayed in favor of the Admiral.
I.E. Ideally you should sway several medium toughness
states across the Region, THEN win a state with an
Influence reward to perhaps reduce several states all at
once to zero resistance... awarding you the loyalty of
those states too.
Even when things you wrong, and you
lose a state's special battle, all
is not lost. You will still earn points for
the losing battle, along with perhaps earning some
flagship modules and other rewards. And your
Admiral Rating will continue to improve as long as you
are trying your best to help the Admiral win over the
whole Region.
The special state battles can be tough at times
if you are facing a medium or high resistance level.
You can always use bribe points to
soften the resistance a bit. You can also
make a point of hording your flagship modules and points
just to use in tougher state battles. These
flagships can make quite a difference in a tough fight
with their variety of special abilities, including even
the simplest of abilities such as moving quickly and
scouting out areas involved with the special mission for
a battle.
Another trick for tight
special missions is to buy extra turns to finish the
mission in using State or Bribe points. On
the last turn of your current mission, if you have not
yet won the mission, you will be given a chance to
spend five State points to extend
the mission (and battle length if need be) by one turn.
At the end of that next turn, if you still have not won
the mission, you can spend five
Bribe points to extend the mission two more turns.
You can keep extending the mission as long as you have
enough State or Bribe points. Note that some
mission goals are not updated till the end of the turn.
Mission extension offers come at the end of your
movement phase, so there is a chance that you may not
need to extend the mission because you have already
completed the mission goals, but they have not yet been
recorded (i.e. the end of turn will detect your mission
success). In other words, you need to weight for
yourself if you need to buy another turn for your
mission... can you succeed even with a few extra turns?
Have you actually already completed the mission? Etc.
You can also use any
one-use special ability play points you have
accumulated over time during
tougher battles. Using these points, you
can perhaps call for new reinforcements to supplement
your existing fleet when you are lacking ships. Or
perhaps sabotage enemy ships to prevent them from moving
during the next enemy movement phase. Spy on enemy
ship locations, or nastily cause mutinies on some of the
enemy ships, giving you control over them.
You can review and choose such helpful actions
by right clicking on the Command
Fleet (CF) button on the movement screen.
This will bring up a popup list of various action points
you have available, and can use. And bear in mind
that these dirty tricks are often the same ones the
enemy is pulling on you during tougher state battles...
Questions? Suggestions? Email thurston@fogstone.com with your
feedback, questions, and suggestions!
You can also visit our forum and talk
with other players about the STA campaigns. |